Cancellation Policy

We want you to be excited about your trip! However, we understand that sometimes plans change. This policy outlines what to expect if you need to cancel your trip.

Standard Cancellations:

  • Full Refund: Cancel with at least 30 days notice before your trip and receive a full refund.
  • Half Refund: Cancellations made between 16 and 29 days before your trip will receive a 50% refund.
  • No Refund: Cancellations within 15 days of your trip are non-refundable.

Medical Cancellations:

We understand that medical emergencies can happen. If you need to cancel due to a medical issue, please contact us as soon as possible and provide documentation. We will review each case individually and may offer a partial refund, reschedule your trip, or provide other options.

To ensure a smooth cancellation process, please keep this policy in mind when booking your trip. 

Our goal is to be fair and transparent, while also protecting our business. We appreciate your understanding!